
 I'm a huge tea hugger! I've tried tea after tea...after tea... There's just something about tea. I think it's the 'possibilities'. 

  Plants are mother nature's paint brushes, the emotions invoked are the strokes and the human mind is the canvas. You know how a scent can trigger a memory? Having grown my own chamomile for years now, chamomile tea triggers a flood of tiny snapshots. Spring seeding, the children screaming as they jump through the sprinkler, Miss. Kitty shading herself below the cabbage heads....tea has that power over me.

    Last summer,  I spent endless hours perfecting dandelion tea. My other addiction, being the library, led me to a rather large collection of books on edible weeds. The countless dollars spent poisoning those darn things....who knew? They're edible.

    And I've tried just about every plant concoction on the planet. I've had snapdragons on my salad...slightly bitter, but that particular salad was more about the art and less about the taste. Teeny tiny roses, daisies, fennel, lavender, clover, pansies, tulips....you name it...I've eaten it.

   There's a sense of such accomplishment in designing the perfect cup of tea. A purple passion flower floating atop the calm glassy surface of a lovely cup of ginger tea....can you imagine a more sublime setting? Or a cup a Zen garnished with lemon and orange?


   Sure...coffee is wonderful... eye-opening...hair-raising....but sometimes I'm not looking for wonderful and alert...sometimes I'm looking for that whisper of inspiration sailing along on dandelion parachutes and for just one moment...one cup of tea...as the dandelion sees, my eyes follow. Every blade of grass...with crystal clarity....and in that moment as memories collide with reality and problems dissolve...I am REAL.

